Umpiring Appointments


Umpiring Resources and Tools

Here’s the briefing that was given to umpires by Hockey WA 

2020 Hockey WA Umpire Briefing

Umpiring the Game

To make the whole experience of umpiring enjoyable for all concerned there are a number of things an umpire can work on.

  • Providing a safe playing environment.
  • Setting the tone for the game.
  • Communicating well with co umpire, players and coaches.
  • Maintaining a reasonable level of fitness.
  • Keeping up with the current rules and interpretations of the rules.
  • Applying the rules in the correct manner utilizing all of the above to help.

Below you will find links to documents on rule interpretations, effective communication, positioning and signaling.

How to Umpire Booklet

Click HERE for a booklet about how to umpire.

Game Positioning

Click HERE  to link to a diagram showing umpire positioning for the game

Setting The Tone

Click HERE to read a document about how an umpire can create a better game environment.

Effective Communication

Click HERE This document looks at how we can communicate better with participants to help prevent abuse and make the game more enjoyable for everyone.

Conflict Avoidance

Click HERE to read a document on conflict and ways that an umpire can avoid it.

Get the full list of rules here

FIH Rules of Hockey